Benchmarks and beyond..

Numbers come.. numbers go..

But the desire to try for better is what matters the most.

We’re currently mid way through our BENCHMARKS week.. the week which is also known as “The Physical Without A Glove”.

We dive head first into a series of anthropometry, strength & cardio tests to see where we’re at.

It’s kind of our version of going to the GP for the health screening but interested in your physical qualities.. and it’s certainly more fun.

It’s such an important part of our group program because at the core of what we do.. we aim for better.

We shoot for..

Better strength to improve our structures to support our activities, hobbies and lifestyles.

Better movement capacity so we don’t get drained by endless stiffness and pain.

Better cardio to have better energy to simply keep going.

Better space & mobility to maintain a sense of freedom within our movements.

But even more importantly, it’s the..

Better energy, mood, vitality, lens, connections, health.

And of course..

A better sense of self.

Sometimes, people misunderstand fitness tests as they treat it like their year 12 exams.

When your body is the vehicle to carry you through life, we think it’s pretty bloody important you not only pay attention to the way it works..

You do something about it.

The BENCHMARKS are there for you to simply find out where you’re at.

The real question is where are you going next and what are you going to do to get there?

The Benchmarks week is our quarterly physical check up.

It’s also known as “The Physical Without A Glove” and a staple in our training experience at Northside Movement

If you’re not currently training with us at the studio and you’re looking for a firm but loving kick in the butt in the right direction, we’d love to chat. You can either grab a 14 or 28 day intro pass at the button below or reach us on :)


The elevated state.