From Funk To Flow.

Where you can control the steering wheel to navigate the direction of change.

One of the guiding principles to our training experience at Northside is that we believe in the idea that we are in a constant state of change.

From the external level.. our bodies change a damn lot as we transition through different stages in our life.

Our hair turns grey or sometimes we lose it (Thanks Singline gene pool) and even our skin changes and cracks appear.

Some of these changes are things that we can solve or cover and some are as natural as the sun and moon.

From the internal level, our bodies change a damn lot too.

We’re forever in a state of cellular turnover..

Our body is constantly creating new energy molecules for us to function..

And our brain is forming new wiring connections (or sadly losing existing ones) every second.

It’s within this space, that the beautifully human aspect of adaptability presents us all with endless incredible opportunities.

To put it simply, we’re changing all of the time regardless of whether we like it or not.. so what are we doing to direct the state of change?

This idea brings us to our State Of Being Continuum.

On one end.. we have THE FUNK STATE.  You know the one..

  • Grey on Grey matching cotton track pants whilst our step count, daily activity and exercise numbers all plummet 

  • Consuming more junk food and booze than you’d see on a Simpsons episode

  • And you genuinely feel 20 years older than you are (which is totally impossible because you can never actually be or know what its like to be older than what you currently are)

On the other end.. we have THE FLOW STATE.  

  • Where the body winds back the clock 10 years and we do things we never thought were realistic at (insert current age)

  • Where our default decision making naturally seeks out things that help us feel and function at a better level

  • Where we can experience life on a whole other level because we’ve now moved away from the constant energy leaks that come with being at the wrong end of the continuum too often 

And the most incredible thing about the way our body works.. no matter how deep into the funk state we’ve let ourselves slip.. that one singular action to shift us in the other direction to the right end of the continuum can have the most significant impact on the way our body feels, the way our lens sees and the way we coordinate our thoughts.

It’s this action that we’ve labelled as the Elevated State and it’s here, in the game of moving towards better.. that the actions we take will ultimately dictate the way our body responds, works and lives.

If you think you’re sliding towards the wrong end of the continuum more than you’d like.. and you are losing touch with how you want to feel.. we recommend building from the basics and seeing how taking ACTION on these 3 simple ideas can impact you:

  • A minimum of TWO days of strength focused training to help build your tissue and structure

  • A minimum of TWO days of cardiovascular focused training to help build your engine (heart & lungs)

  • Include some restorative work (Yoga, Meditation, Breathwork, Stretching, Fascial Release, Mobility, Low intensity cardio etc..) on MOST days of the week to help the body maintain a sense of freedom to move

We’ve said it again and we’ll say it hundred times more..

Do good things for your body and your body will do good things for you.


